
Common Myths and Misconceptions About Invisalign Aligners

If you are a parent of a teen or an adult, and your child has misaligned teeth, it becomes difficult to convince them to use braces and wires. They are hesitant to use the visible braces and wires, which affect their smile. There is a solution in the form of Invisalign, but there are various myths and misconceptions about these Invisalign aligners that you are skeptical about their effectiveness. 

If you are one of those who are skeptical about the importance and effectiveness of Invisalign aligners, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will analyze what are common myths and misconceptions widely present in Gettysburg. Once you are convinced of its effectiveness, you can consult with any Gettysburg dentist for more details about the treatment. 

Myth 1: Invisalign takes longer time than braces

People commonly say that Invisalign takes longer time than braces, but this is not the fact. Average braces wearer takes around 18 months to straighten their teeth, but Invisalign can take around six months or around these months to straighten your teeth. It also depends on your teeth’ complexities; it varies for different cases. 

Myth 2: Invisalign can only straighten mild crookedness

People also say that the effectiveness of Invisalign can only treat some mild crookedness. People feel that a plastic aligner cannot be strong enough to align the complete teeth. However, Invisalign solves mild gaps and spacing issues, teeth crowding, crossbites, underbites, and other such issues. So, this is also one of the major myths that is busted with this factual information. 

Myth 3: Invisalign is inconvenient as metal braces

Metal braces are inconvenient as there are certain food restrictions because food gets stuck in wires, and there are cuts and other issues. But Invisalign does not have any such issues. It is a transparent plastic in which no food is stuck, there is no hesitation and no restrictions, and you can lead a normal life with Invisalign aligners. Therefore, it is clear that Invisalign is more convenient than metal braces. 

Myth 4: Invisalign is more expensive than braces

People consider that it is a newer technology and therefore it is a bit more expensive than traditional braces. The fact is different from this: Invisalign costs as regular as braces. It is covered under your dental insurance, and therefore, you don’t have to worry about your out-of-pocket expenditure. 

So, these are certain myths and misconceptions about the Invisalign aligners that you should avoid. If you are facing severe issues, you should consult a doctor for better advice.